How to customize user's personal Leave settings

How to customize user's personal Leave settings


TimeTec Leave offers a flexible and customizable leave management system, for a more efficient employee leave management system. To use TimeTec Leave, the admin needs to determine and set up the user's leave type, policy, and leave balance that they earned. One way is by assigning users to a ‘Leave Policy’. However, if you wish to customise some of your user’s personal leave settings, you may do so by updating the user’s leave individually. 

This article will guide you on how to customize a user’s leave allowance, balance, balance accrual and approval method.


1. Go to TimeTec Leave Web page > User > Manage User. 

2. Filter and look for the user that you wish to update and click on the ‘Leave Settings’ (gear icon).

3. On the ‘User Leave settings’, there will be tabs consisting of ‘Allowance, Balance, Balance Accrual, Approval Method and Option’. 

Let’s go through the tab one by one.

4. At the ‘Allowance’ tab, you will find the ‘Add Leave Type’ button on the right side. If you have assigned the user to a specific leave policy, you’ll be able to see the list of leave types allocated to the user. You may go to Leave Settings > Leave policy and assign users to their respective leave policy. Click here if you wish to learn more about assigning users to a Leave Policy.

5. After you have assigned a user to the designated leave policy, you may customize the ‘Yearly Allowance’ tab if you wish to do so. 

E.g. This user shown is not entitled to annual leaves yet since they are under probation, you may edit and set it to ‘Request Disabled’. All the columns in this tab can be updated and amended. 

Click here for our guide to set leave restrictions.

6. Let’s move on to the ‘Balance’ tab. On each leave type, you can click on the pencil icon to edit and update the leave type balance. Please be reminded that only admins have the right to do this and any amendments from admin will be recorded in the audit trail. 

7. This is the Interface if you have clicked the Edit button. Notice that there are ‘Balance’ and ‘Carry Over Balance’. Both are usable and will sum up to show the annual leave balance. However, carry-over balance leaves will need to be used before the expiration date that can be set by admins otherwise it will become obsolete. To update the current balance, you may edit the balance section and click ‘Save’.

8. Next is Balance Accrual. The purpose of this Tab is to determine the number of days (leave) accrued each month if your company is using a prorated basis or monthly earned policy. Usually, this is only available for the annual Leaves, and please take note that this setting is only for the current user, If you wish to update for every employee, you may do so at the ‘Leave Policy’ settings. 

Click here to access our articles to learn more about balance accrual in the leave policy.

E.g. The yearly allowance of a Staff is 12 days yearly, if you want to make the Staff balance as monthly earned, you can click on ‘Edit’ and update the settings as follows.

9. The last tab is ‘Approval Method’. If you are using the Replacement Credit, you need to set the approver for it as well. By default the approval method is set to any admin, however, you can change it to the method that suits your company policy. The list of methods available are listed below:

ANY ADMIN - This approval method assigns all admin in the system as the approver, and only ONE admin needs to approve the leave application. 

Note that all admins receive the leave application notifications.

IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR - This approval method automatically assigns Immediate Supervisors as the approver according to the Hierarchy Chart. Therefore, set your Hierarchy Chart before you proceed. Any user not assigned to the Hierarchy Chart is an Approver. To assign all users under the same approver, please select Specific Sequence.

SPECIFIC SEQUENCE - This approval method allows you to assign any users as the approver, be it one or more.  If you select more than one approver, the first approver gets the application, and only after he approves the application, the second approver can proceed to approve next.

ANY (x) APPROVER - This approval method allows you to select multiple approvers for the User's application. Note that it requires [x] number of approvers for the approval.

10. Here’s an example to set a specific sequence approval method. 

Notice that the example below has 3 layers of approvers, so the second approver will only get to approve after the first approver has approved, and the same goes for the third in line. 

After done, click on ‘Save’. 

For more info on setting the approval methods, click here.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.

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