TimeTec Leave - How to Configure Accrual Interval in Leave Policy to Allow Monthly Earned Leave Balance

TimeTec Leave - How to Configure Accrual Interval in Leave Policy to Allow Monthly Earned Leave Balance

Some company regulations provide a prorated leave balance from the full yearly entitlement based on staff’s joining date, while others practice prorated calculation earned monthly. However, the monthly earned leave is usually calculated on a prorated basis. For example, the staff is entitled to 18 days annual leave per year. Therefore, every month the staff is eligible for 1.5 days of annual leave. If the staff is entitled to 12 days yearly, they shall receive one day of annual leave monthly. This article will demonstrate how to configure the leave policy to allow for earned leave balance every month.

1. In TimeTec Leave, go to Leave Settings > Leave Policy

2. Search for the policy group, click on the edit button to review and amend the current settings.

3. Click on the edit button for the leave type that needs to be configured based on the monthly earned leave. Set the Default Balance as Empty so when a user is first assigned into this policy, they will not receive any balance yet and shall only receive the balance based on the accrual interval settings. Under the Upon Renewal column, change reset to Full Allowance into Carry Over All or Carry Over Limit, and set the carry over settings accordingly for the limit and expiry date, if any. 

4. Accrual Interval will be the column to set for the monthly earned leave. Change the accrual interval from None to Every X Month. Set to earn the balance every how many months (e.g. every 1 month) and the day of the month to receive the balance (e.g. Day 1, Hired day, Last day). Set the amount to be credited into the balance under Accrual by. For Accrue until, select Until Allowance is Full so that the total accrual received by users will not exceed their yearly allowance (e.g. if yearly allowance is 16, accrual monthly by 1.5 days; the user will receive 1.5 days monthly until the tenth month of the accrual, while the eleventh month will only receive 1 day, and none on the 12th month).

5. Click on the Update button to Update button to update the changes, and then the Save button.

6. Reassign Users into the policy to apply the changes in the settings. Copy the leave policy name and paste it under the Leave Policy search box to reassign easily. Once users within that policy have appeared, tick the box above to select all users and then submit.

7. Please note that existing users assigned to the policy before you made the changes will remain with the leave types and balance in the previous settings. Amendment to the user balance is required to change existing users balance. You may refer to this article to update/import user leave balance through Excel file https://www.fingertectips.com/2021/08/how-to-import-user-leave-balance-using.html

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at info@timeteccloud.com, we will update it as soon as possible.
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