By default, when Ingress software is installed, the system automatically uses the default port settings 3306 and 3000. Port 3306 is used for the connection to the MySQL server database, and port 3000 is used for the Ingress program.
However, sometimes when another program on the PC is already using the same port, you need to assign a different port value to complete the installation process and run the program.
This is an example of the error when ports 3306 and 3000 are already in use.
Process and Troubleshooting Steps
In the case of the port 3306 error, you can enter and select a new port value during the installation of the MySQL server database.
Once the Ingress installation is complete, make sure you have chosen a new port setting when running the Ingress DB Installer.
For the port 3000 error, you can change the port value by opening the SQL manager tool (e.g., SQLyog). You can download this SQL manager tool from the link below.
SQLyog installer (64-bit operating system)
SQLyog installer (32-bit operating system)
In the MySQL manager tool, navigate to the Ingress Database > select the table 'system settings' > view Table Data. Edit the server port value from the default 3000 to a new value (e.g., 3008), then save the setting.
Next, go to the Control Panel and open Windows Defender Firewall > select Advanced Settings.
Configure and allow new ports for the MySQL database (3308) and the Ingress program (3008) in the Firewall settings under Inbound and Outbound rules.
You can refer to this article on how to enable a new port setting in the Firewall (refer to process B).