How to Add Other Tenant or Debtor for Billing in i-Account
During i-Account setup,
unit owner data is usually imported from i-Neighbour
> Community > Manage Unit. The imported owners are created as
customers/debtors and can be managed at Accounting
> Sales > Maintenance > Customer.
For other debtors besides
owners (e.g. shop tenants, vendors, visitors), Admins can choose to add the debtors
directly into the accounting system for billing purposes.
For instance, customers/debtors
do not need to be added in i-Neighbour if they do not require access for
visitor management or related functions.
Add New Customer
1. Go to Accounting > Sales >
Maintenance > Customers.
2. At the Customer dropdown
menu at the top, choose “New customer”.
3. Next, fill in the details in the empty new customer form. Key in the Customer Name, Account
Code and Unit No to create a new customer account.
- Customer Name,
Account Code and Unit No are compulsory fields. Others are optional.
- If you have
additional information, you can enter it in the other designated boxes.
Note: Account Code
- Is compulsory; must
be unique; supports alphanumeric format.
- Used to identify
each individual debtor/party.
- Allowed to add multiple
account codes under the same Unit No
4. Click the “Add New Customer” button at the bottom to
create the new customer in the system.
5. A success message will be displayed. The newly added customer
will be displayed in the Customer menu.
Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.
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