Scheduling & Attendance
How To Create More Than 3 Clocking Pairs In Tcmsv3 And Ingress Software
Introduction In Ingress and TCMS V3 software, you can configure more than three clocking pairs for attendance. This feature, called Job Costing, is available only in Flexi Clocking Schedules. The default weekly and daily schedules in both software ...
Exporting Attendance Data in Ingress & TCMSv3 for Better Data Management
Introduction FingerTec Ingress and TCMSv3 can export attendance data into several formats including .xls, .xlsx, .txt and .csv. There are 2 types of Export in Ingress: Export Details provides you with clocking details such as the In, Out, Break, ...
Configure Roster for Ramadhan
Introduction TCMSV2, TCMSV3 and Ingress softwares are adaptable to the changing work schedule in tandem with the seasons’ needs. For example, during the Islamic month of Ramadhan, Muslim employees are not taking any lunch break and complete their ...
Creating Weekly Schedule with Flexible Overtime on Weekends in Ingress & TCMS V3
Introduction There are companies that allow their employees to take overtime on off days and rest days on flexible schedules, which mean that they will only be paid for overtime based on their total work hours taken of the off or rest days. Benefits ...
Ingress & TCMSv3 Software - Exporting Data from Audit List to TXT and CSV format
Introduction CSV file, also known as Comma Separated Values file, allows data to be saved in a table structured format. You can use this CSV file format to exchange data from a database or a spreadsheet between applications. Each line in a CSV file ...
Ingress & TCMS V3- To Include Remaining Lunch Time into Worktime or Overtime
Introduction Company policy varies according to the country’s labour law, and the employer’s regulations. There are circumstances where an employee can go for lunch break, and comes in early to resume their work, and the remaining break time will be ...
TCMS V3 – Using USB Flash Disk For Data Transfer
INTRODUCTION FingerTec offers 3 ways of communication, which are TCP/IP, USB and Serial Port (RS485 or RS232). If a FingerTec terminal is installed remotely and away from any network (TCPIP), USB flash disk can be utilized to transfer users and ...
Managing and Editing Leave Day using Ingress and TCMS V3
Introduction Leave Day in Ingress and TCMS V3 can be added or edited either before or after an employee takes his/her leave. In this article we will discuss how to manage and edit Leave Day for each employee from the User Duty Planner or by using the ...
Configuring the Five Lunch Time Scenarios in Ingress & TCMS V3
Introduction FingerTec Ingress & TCMS V3 allow users to manage their attendance records even better. One such method is being able to set the remaining time of their lunch break to either work time or overtime. This allows employees to resume their ...
Working Hours Calculation with Overnight-Flexi Schedule in Ingress & TCMS V3
Introduction In Ingress & TCMS V3, there is a Flexi clocking schedule that supports flexible working shift. It also can be used to keep records of users, who work more than a shift within a day. Benefit There might be some users whom are confused on ...
Utilize OT/Done Columns in Clocking Schedules
Introduction You will find the attendance data of users especially work time, over time, short etc will change if you do different configurations in clocking schedule. This might be due to the OT/ Done columns in the clocking schedule. Benefit This ...
Ingress/TCMS V3 - Configure Open Schedule / Open Shift / Flexible Shift with Qualify Minutes before shift starts feature
Introduction Open schedule also known as Open Shift or Flexible Shift is a function for allowing all users to enter any shifts scheduled that were set in their group roster. For example, Morning Shift starts from 7AM to 7PM and Night Shift starts ...
Configure Alternative Restday Easily in Ingress/TCMS V3
IntroductionEvery company has their own schedule configurations for Workday and Restday. In this article, we will guide users on how to configure Alternative Restday in Ingress/TCMS V3. Alternative Restday allows user to set Restday for every ...
How To Configure Holiday Setting and New Year Roster Via TCMS V3/Ingress
Introduction New Year’s Eve may sounds exciting to all of us. But sincerely, there are some of our beloved customers are worried about the Duty Roster and also the Holiday settings in the software since there might be some changes or reschedule of ...
How to Utilize Deduction No. of Hours and Late In/ Early Out Setting In Clocking Schedule for TCMSv3/ Ingress
Introduction This feature is allowing you to deduct the number of hours from work hour and predefined the Late In or Early Out to be considered as Half Day Leave. Benefit The system will deduct the number of hour automatically and identify the Late ...
Import Roster Function from User Duty Planner to Assign Leave and Change Schedule Number for Specific User via Ingress / TCMS V3
Introduction In the previous article, we have shared about how to import roster from Excel or text file for a group rosters. However, in this article, we will guide users on how to import roster data from a user duty planner. The difference between ...
Ingress/TCMSv3 - Flexi Schedule Configuration for Federal Ministries and Departments of Malaysia 2019
Introduction Recently, the Public Service Department (PSD) of Malaysia announced that civil servants could opt for flexible working hours. Fortunately, in FingerTec software, Flexi Schedule is being offered as one of the schedule options for users, ...
How to Solve the Red Color Issue in the Data Audit List for Ingress/TCMSv3 software
Introduction We have been receiving feedback from some TCMS V3/Ingress Software users, whereby their transaction log data in the Data Audit List become red in colour and have inadvertently caused the users’ clocking data to not have appeared in the ...
Weekly-Schedule Configuration for Double Break Time in Ingress or TCMSV3
Introduction There are many companies that practice double break time and some of their administrators are not familiar on how to configure this schedule in Ingress or TCMSv3. So in this tips, we will provide you the steps that are required to ...
How to Enable Attendance Record from Selected Device in TCMS V3 and Ingress
Introduction When dealing with many devices such as Time Attendance and Door Access, TCMS V3/ Ingress software will record every clocking activity of the staff involved. But certain companies want the system to capture the clocking time for ...
Common Issue on Attendance Sheet Record and How to Fix It - Ingress & TCMSv3 Software
Introduction In some cases, even though you have correctly configured a Clocking Schedule and that transaction log was already captured in the Data Audit List, there are still certain factors and issues that might lead to the failure of generating ...
How to manage Attendance Photo in the TCMSV3 or Ingress for Face ID FMM platform
Introduction By configuring this feature, the management can monitor the staff by verifying the attendance at the device. Apart from that, they will also be able to check if any unauthorized staff did attempt to verify without granted permission. In ...
How to Post Attendance to Sage UBS Payroll (Malaysia only)
Introduction For our users' convenience, we have included payroll features in TCMSv3 and Ingress, which allows you to transfer the details of your employees’ attendance to selected payroll software. There are 5 payroll software supported, namely 1) ...
How to manage new user ID when downloading attendance logs if the user ID does not exist in Ingress/TCMSv3
Introduction By configuring this option, the management can automatically create a new user ID that does not exist in the user tab when downloading the attendance logs. It eases the management to keep track of the new user downloaded from the device. ...
Ingress / TCMSv3 - What is a Differential Overtime?
Introduction Differential overtime is secondary over time that the company defines for different pay rate purposes. In some companies, their employees are given a different overtime rate after a particular work period. The Diff. OT column is only ...
How to Export Attendance Sheet with Job Costing Records via Export Attendance Details for TCMSv3/Ingress
Introduction Job Costing feature is available in Flexi schedule only. By using the job costing function in the Flexi schedule, the software calculates work time for each In-Out pair to provide better attendance analysis. Users also can export their ...
Troubleshoot the ‘Total 0 new transaction log(s) downloaded’ Issue for TCMSv3/Ingress
Introduction There are cases in which clients have not downloaded new transaction logs from their device yet, but the system shows a ‘Total 0 new transaction log(s) downloaded’ message as shown below after they completed the download process. Many ...
How to Set Holiday Description on Remark for All Users using User Duty Planner on TCMS v3 or Ingress
Introduction A holiday is a day type in our attendance system. The day type examples are Workday, Offday, Holiday and Rest day. By inserting all the holidays in the Holiday List, it is applicable to all users in the system. Thus a day type for ...