How to use TimeTec TA with Ingress/TCMSv3 Software Concurrently
Introduction Running multiple systems usually costs too much to the organization. However if you can have the opportunity to run two Time Attendance management system with only 1 cost, you should not miss this. Depending on the individual purpose, ...
Fingertec TCMSv3 Installation Guide
Introduction TCMSv3 is built for the single user in order to manage the time attendance data in the organization. TCMSv3 is developed to replace the TCMSv2 software with the updated and fresh user interface to ease the user's experience in generating ...
Resolve “Failed to initialize database” error message in TCMS V3 & Ingress (MDB)
INTRODUCTION TCMS V3 and Ingress (MDB) utilize Microsoft Access Database, a small sized database with 2GB size limit, to ease database management, particularly for small and medium sized company. Ingress also supports MySQL database, a more suited ...
How to Fix Missing System Data Source in ODBC for TCMS V3 and Ingress MDB
Introduction If you are facing an error message when you are trying to run the TCMS v3 or Ingress MDB software, or sometimes, you are able to run the software but unable to download certain data from the terminal with a showing of 0 data downloaded ...
Steps to Solve “Backdate is not permissible” Error in the TCMSv3/Ingress Software
Introduction The above message will be prompted when a user restores a database that is labeled under a different time zone. This issue occurs can be due to the time in the current PC does not match with the time fixed in the database. Additionally, ...
Unable to Start Windows Services During TCMSv3/Ingress Installation
Introduction The error message below appears because your Windows account login does not have sufficient privileges, or you are not logged in as an Administrator. The Administrator account you are having also must be able to access any folders and ...
Error 2502 and Error 2503 When Installing Ingress or TCMS V3
Introduction There are several cases where users reported receiving Error 2502 and Error 2503 while installing Ingress or TCMS V3 software. These errors are due to the system date on your computer, which set incorrectly, or you have Windows User ...