Going Green Screen Saver Configuration
A screen saver is an animated image or a small program that takes over the display screen if there are no keystrokes or mouse movements for a specified duration. We have recently designed some state of the art screensavers for our new terminals. ...
Transferring Data Using USB Flashdisk
Most FingerTec terminals come with a USB flash disk port for data transfer via USB flash disk. The disk can be used to download and upload users, and download transaction logs. For installation without communication wiring, this feature is ...
Setting an Automatic Download Interval in the TCMS V2
FingerTec users verify their fingerprints, passwords or cards at a terminal to report attendance or gain access. The date and time of verification is captured as transaction data and saved into the terminal’s memory. To view the transaction data, you ...
Connecting Face ID 4 Using USB/Client Connection in TCMS V2
At the moment, the Windows OS does not recognize the Face ID 4 device when you connect it to the computer using USB/Client connection. You will need to install the USB driver manually if you wish to connect the Face ID 4 device to the computer using ...
Using Access Combo in TCMS V2
'Access Combo' is yet another access control function that is included in the powerful data management application, TCMS V2. Use this feature to heighten protection at a specific door, whereby verification needs to be done by a combination of ...
TCMSv2 - Ensuring a Successful Connection by Checking Your Communication Port on Your PC
Introduction There are various ways where you can activate a FingerTec terminal in TCMS V2 and one of them is via communication ports by using the two serial connections compatible with the software, RS232 and RS485. The user can set up to 20 ...
How to Prevent Buffer Overflow on TCMSv2
Introduction Lack of TCMS V2 database maintenance will cause buffer overflow, which will trigger errors during data retrieval from Webster. When this happens, the software will not be able to display attendance data. If your attendance data are ...
Understand How To Troubleshoot Connection Error When Using TCP/IP
Introduction FingerTec software is specifically designed to centralize, store and manage all data extracted from FingerTec terminals to create an easily managed and networked attendance solution. There are several ways to connect to FingerTec ...