All About Etcom
What is the etcom file? All data downloaded from the terminal into the TCMSv2 software is stored in the terminal data audit list and the etcom file. When the data is downloaded from the terminal, the data will go into the etcom file. Once the data is ...
Housekeeping for the TCMS V2
In computing terms, housekeeping is referred to manual or sometimes automated process where the computer is cleaned-up to optimize its performance. Housekeeping commonly involves removing the archived logs and users activities, backing up data and ...
Manipulate/Edit Data in the Attendance Sheet for Job Costing Function
When using the Job Costing function in the TCMS V2 software, there are situations where you may wish to manipulate or edit data in your attendance sheet for report purposes. In the software, there are three options on how to manipulate or edit an ...
Export Data from the Attendance Sheet to Microsoft Access Database
Good news to users who are using Access database software. By using the TCMS V2 software, you can now export data from the Attendance Sheet into Microsoft Access Database format. There are various types of third party software out there using Access ...
Effect of Short Minutes in Attendance Sheet and Attendance Summary Reports
TCMS V2 is a powerful time and attendance management application that, among its other functions, can automate payroll processes to improve overall efficiency and save organizational costs. Data presented in reports can be customized according to ...
Exporting Data from Attendance Sheet into CSV Format in TCMS V2
TCMS V2 is a comprehensive and powerful management software designed exclusively for FingerTec's facial, fingerprint and card system terminals. Part of what makes the software so flexible is its ability to export data for integration with third party ...
How to Export Data to DiGiPAY if Both TCMS V2 and DiGiPAY are Not on the Same PC
Introduction DiGiPAY is an effective payroll system which features an option that allows the system to be integrated with TCMS V2, but what if you wanted to export data to DiGiPAY, yet have neither DiGiPAY, nor TCMS V2 installed on the same PC? This ...
Easily Resolve OLE Error when downloading data into TCMS v2.2.027 to Correct Download Process
Introduction Recently, there have been multiple cases where users encountered an error while downloading data from terminals into TCMS v2.2.027. This is identified as the “OLE error” where the software is not able to read and retrieve the data due to ...