Clearing Terminal Administrator Privilege from Ingress
Ingress is an integrated access control management application that runs on the familiar MS Windows operating environment. On top of its other functions, Ingress can also manage your device's administrator privileges. To clear a terminal's ...
Ingress: Reboot Terminals After Making Changes to Device & Door Settings
Some users has gone through scenarios whereby the changes that they have made in Ingress are not updated into the relevant terminals. This is because the terminals need to be rebooted when a user performs any changes to the settings. Even though the ...
Connecting Ingressus Controller to COMM RS485 for Ingress
Introduction FingerTec terminals offer a few communication methods including TCP/IP, RS232/485 or USB client. Communication configuration is very important because a lot of tasks such as enrolment, download/upload transactions and update user ...
Configuring Instant Message Display of Terminals through Ingress & TCMS V3 Software
Introduction Instant Message Display is a feature available in Ingress (ver 3.0.5 onwards) & TCMSV3 software, where it allows you to create an Instant Message to public (all users) or to set personal message in FingerTec devices to individuals. There ...
Ingress - Multiple Device Operation With One Click : Manage Many Devices Remotely Hassle Free
Introduction FingerTec has released the latest update of Ingress (version 3.0.6) which includes 22 enhancements and 7 bug fixes. One of the new features added in the release was the option to manage multiple device operation simultaneously. This ...
Adding GPRS/3G/4G Device into Ingress/TCMS V3
Introduction Please note that 3G/4G and GPRS devices cannot be added directly into the software. It requires a medium to connect these devices into the software. Benefit FingerTec Webster is the best choice as the medium because it retrieves the data ...
How to connect TimeTec TC10 or TC20 to AWDMS (ATT) & Ingress Software
Introduction For the latest version of AWDMS and Ingress Software (version, you can use TimeTec device model TC10 or TC20 with Ingress Software and AWDMS to capture the transaction log data as attendance in Ingress and AWDMS. Process 1) If ...
How to Add New Device (Smart AC1 Series / Face ID 5 Series) in existing Ingress Software and TimeTec AWDMS
Introduction Adding new Smart AC1, Smart AC1/TD, Smart AC1/FTD, Face ID 5, Face ID 5/TD, or Face ID 5/FTD in existing TimeTec AWDMS and Ingress software might lead to problems of synchronizing user data from software to the new device. This is due to ...
How to Connect Smart AC1 Series & Face ID 5 Series to AWDMS & Ingress Software
Introduction TimeTec new models such as Smart AC1/TD and Face ID 5/TD carry new firmware and architecture that need a new SDK set to make sure seamless integration of hardware and software. Therefore, TimeTec introduces AWDMS as the middleware ...