Update for FingerTec Terminal Function Tool

Update for FingerTec Terminal Function Tool


FingerTec terminal function varies according to the models. However, not all of the functions are preloaded into the terminal in order for the terminal to run smoothly, without having unnecessary functions in it. However, you can load the compatible functions that you wish to use, into your terminal using the FingerTec Terminal Function Tool.  
You can download the FingerTec Terminal Function Tool from here.
The FingerTec Terminal Function Tool recognizes the functions that are compatible with the connected terminals and will deactivate the function automatically if the terminal does not support the function (i.e. TA100C does not support access control and thus, the whole Access Control tab will be grayed out) to avoid any mistakes during upload process and minimizing hardware failure.
In the latest update, we have added the compatibility of R3 (access control and time attendance terminal) and TA100C FMM (time attendance terminal) into the FingerTec Terminal Function Tool. The function tools options now supports R3 and TA100C FMM with no issues.

In the Access Control Tab, we have added a new option which is ‘Enable R2c’.  R2c is a slave terminal designed to serve FingerTec master terminals such as AC900, Q2i, i-Kiosk 100 Plus, H2i and R3 for a more cost-effective IN-OUT access control system. If you need to use the slave device with any of the master terminal listed above, tick the checker to Enable R2c in the access control tab and update it to your master terminal.
For more info regarding all the other options available in FingerTec’s Terminal Function tool, you can refer to the link below.

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