Shifting From Ingress MySQL to Ingress MS Access Made Easy

Shifting From Ingress MySQL to Ingress MS Access Made Easy

MySQL is known as one of the most powerful and inexpensive open-source relational database system in the world.  Whether you are a fast growing web property, technology ISV or large enterprise, MySQL can cost-effectively help you deliver high performance, extensive and scalable database applications that won’t break your bank. While plenty of users extoll the virtues and functionality of the MySQL database system, there still remains a small subset of users whom aren’t familiar with handling such a powerful database and have ran into problems while using Ingress Software MySQL.

For those who have been looking long and hard for a hassle-free, cut-and-dry solution to managing their database system, we are pleased to announce to all that we have finally found a solution.

Important: It is imperative to first back up your Ingress Software MySQL database in order to avoid any data loss before you proceed with the switch to Ingress Software MS Access

Backup your Ingress Software MySQL database

Refer to this link for more details on how to backup Ingress Software MySQL database.

Remove All Components of Ingress and Mysql Database from PC
After the Ingress MySQL backup is completed, you will need to remove all components of the Ingress Software and MySQL database from the PC by following the steps below:

1 - Uninstall Ingress Software & MySQL database from control panel.

2 - Delete the Ingress Folder located at C:\Program Files (x86)\FingerTec Worldwide\FingerTec Ingress.

3 - Delete the MySQL Folder located at C:\Program Files\MySQL 

4 - Delete the MySQL Folder at C:\ProgramData\MySQL 

Note: You will need to enable the option to show hidden folder in order to view this folder  


5 - Restart your PC to finish the installation.

6 – Now you can install the Ingress Software with Microsoft Access Database.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.

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