Web Setup:
Open Timetec Access and navigate to the ‘FACE ENROLLMENT AND QR CODE’ section.
Individual Setup
1. Click on the ‘Generate’ button located on the right side of the user's name in the QR CODE column for individual setup.
Batch Setup:
1. Select the users for whom you want to generate QR codes.
2. Click on the Manage button, then select Generate QR Code.
Downloading QR Codes:
To download the QR codes for users, follow these steps:
1. Go to Timetec Access and navigate to the ‘FACE ENROLLMENT AND QR CODE’ section.
2. Select the users for whom you want to download the QR codes.
3. Click on the Manage button, then select Download QR Code.
The QR codes will be downloaded as a ZIP file. Each user's QR code will be named based on their user ID. Users can then use these QR codes to unlock door access.