Modifying Setup from Master-Master to Master-Slave

Modifying Setup from Master-Master to Master-Slave

Before FingerTec Worldwide introduced Slave devices that could pair with Master devices, 2 master devices were used and modified to act as a Master-Slave setup for door access solution. Due to the distinct requirements by certain customers, the Master-Master setup is still widely used, most noticeably with the H2i, which is very popular due to its aesthetic quality. Its sophisticated design can cater to almost any style of office and home interiors.To modify the setup, please follow the instructions below:
  1. Download the FingerTec Terminal Function Tools here
  2. Upon download, start up the FingerTec Terminal Function Tool and connect to the terminal. Change the Wiegand Output to UserID and the AdapTec Plus to OFF.
  1. You will need to perform the above steps for both terminals.
  2. After that, download the FingerTec Master Slave Tools here(
  3. For the Master terminal, update the tools as Master.
  1. For the Slave terminal, select Slave before you update it. 
  1. And now you’re done!