Ingress Server keep crash

Ingress Server keep crash


There are certain factors that can cause the Ingress Server to keep showing crash errors. One of the reasons is that the Ingress server is unable to handle the processing workload from offline events. This is because too many devices are connected to Ingress and the PC RAM has exceeded the maximum processing capabilities.


Please use this article as a reference to troubleshoot and fix the crash error shown when running the Ingress database with the use of MySQL manager tools (SQLyog).

Issue and Problem Verification

To verify whether the crash error has happened due to the Ingress server being unable to handle the offline event processing, please check the crash error under Control Panel > Administration Tools > select Event Viewer > view Windows log Application error (refer to the picture below).

A screenshot of a computer

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If the error shows ‘ClearErrorCard(Int 32)’ it means the system cannot handle the offline event processing on the Ingress server program. Here’s how you can troubleshoot it yourself.

Process and Setting

  1. Please download and install MySQL manager tools like SQLyog on your Ingress server computer. You can search and download a free version of MySQL manager tools from MySQL’s website.

  1. Close the Ingress program, then run the SQLyog manager tools host with the correct MySQL password (password when you run Ingress DB Installer).

  1. From the MySQL manager program click on Ingress > Tables > select system settings table data > edit the setting value for DisableOffline mode and DisableRealTime mode to 1 (refer to picture below).

A screenshot of a computer

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  1. Once done, please save the setting and you can close the SQLyog manager tools program.

  1. Run Ingress DB Installer after completing all the steps: (Test Connection, Update Connection and Upgrade Database).

  1. Once completed you should be able to run the Ingress server and Ingress program as normal without any crash error.

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