Ingress Remote connection

Ingress Remote connection

If you have installed the Ingress server at the Headquarters (HQ) but would like to allow the remote connection from a Branch by using the Ingress client for viewing purposes, you must  need to add port number 3000 and 3306 in Windows Firewall at the HQ office. Read more to see the step-by-step guide to add the port numbers. 

To Add the Port Number
1-    Go to Control Panel > Windows Firewall Advanced Settings > Inbound Rules > New Rule > Port and click the Next button.

2-    Select TCP, add port number 3000 and click the Next button.

3-    Select Allow the connection and click the Next button.

4-    Tick on all options and click the Next button.

5-   Insert Name and Description (optional) and click Finish to complete the process.

6-    Repeat steps 1 to 5 to add the other port number, 3306.
Other than adding port in Windows Firewall, please make sure your Ingress Server DBInstaller Host must be your server URL or IP (e.g.: instead of “localhost”. To check this, go to the Start button > All Programs > FingerTec Ingress > Ingress DB Installer.

Remark : To ensure Ingress Server-Client connection operates smoothly in remote locations, Local Network connection is thus mandatory. Please take note that Port-forwarding does not serve the concept of Server-Client connection on Ingress software and instead VPN setup is recommended, only if required.

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