Introduction: Ingress and TCMS V3 offer a feature whereby you can configure the export scheduler feature to auto export the attendance data to a specified folder as well as send the file to the respective email. In other words, you can set the export ...
Introduction Ingress and TCMS V3 are FingerTec’s complementary software serving different purposes. Ingress software are generally used with access control devices like R2, Kadex and Q2i and TCMS V3 is for time attendance readers such as TA100C, ...
Introduction Since we have introduced new Face ID5 devices, there is a certain issue expressed by clients when they are managing their system and user data on the Ingress software and AWDMS program. One of these issues is that they cannot download ...
Introduction Setting up of a new system can be cumbersome when it involves a lot of staff, departments, different working hours and conditions, and other variables. In view of this, FingerTec has created a wizard that can migrate database from TCMSv2 ...
Introduction Setting up of a new system can be cumbersome when it involves a lot of staff, departments, different working hours and conditions, and other variables. In view of this, FingerTec has created a wizard that can migrate database from TCMSv2 ...