Importing Leave Records From Excel/Text File In TimeTec Leave

Importing Leave Records From Excel/Text File In TimeTec Leave

TimeTec Leave is a cloud-based solution that facilitates all leave proceedings online for a company regardless of its size. One of the handy features  included in TimeTec Leave is the capability to import previous leave records from an Excel or a Text file. This particular feature is especially useful for companies that are upgrading to TimeTec Leave since all leave records taken previously will be safely stored within the system for a clear audit trail throughout. Below is a quick guide on how to carry out this process.

1. To start importing the Leave Taken records, first go to TIMETEC LEAVE > SUPPORT > Wizard > Leave Wizard.

2. Once in the Leave Wizard page, please click on (1) Import Leave Taken.
3. Proceed to download the samples (2) for Excel format and (3) for Text format.

4. After downloading the respective files (e.g. Excel file as shown in the screenshot below), proceed to fill in the leave record details inside the column given. Note that each leave taken record must be separated.
5. The Start Time and End Time must be followed by the working hours (8 working hours for full day leave and 4 working hours for partial day leave).
6. It's also important that you match the leave names before starting with the Import process.

7. After filling the data in the file, proceed to choose the Implementation Date. (Implementation Date must be LATER than the Leave Record Dates added in the file).

8. Moving on, click on Browse and select leave record file. Once done, click on SAVE & NEXT  to begin importing the leave record file.

9. After the file is successfully imported, only the Leave Taken data will be updated without affecting the user leave balance. Note that the leave balance update needs to be done separately.
10. Below are the possible errors that a user might face during the import process:

User already has leave taken
Change to correct date.
Invalid User or Invalid Leave Type
Please make sure that the user name/leave type matches
the user account.
Invalid Implement date
Please make sure that the leave record date is NOT later
than the implementation date.
User is on holiday/rest day
Please make sure that the user’s leave record date is not
on a holiday/rest day.

11. That’s it, you should now be able to view the users' previous Leave Taken records within TimeTec Leave.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.
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