How to use TimeTec TA with Ingress/TCMSv3 Software Concurrently

How to use TimeTec TA with Ingress/TCMSv3 Software Concurrently

Running multiple systems usually costs too much to the organization. However if you can have the opportunity to run two Time Attendance management system with only 1 cost, you should not miss this.

Depending on the individual purpose, some prefer to use the common way, which is to manage the door access control via Windows PC using Ingress software, and some users would love to experience new technology, accessing time attendance management from cloud based software, TimeTec TA.

Having said that, in this article, we will share on how to utilize TimeTec TA application along with the software Ingress/TCMSv3 concurrently.

A: Registration TimeTec TA account and installing Ingress/TCMSv3 software

TimeTec TA is the cloud application where user can access it via web browser or mobile apps to capture time attendance and retrieve real-time information from anywhere across the world as long as there is an internet connection. To use it, you must first register your own account and subscribe with minimum cost from below address :

Meanwhile, Ingress or TCMSv3 software is a Windows based software that is designed to centralize, store and manage all data extracted from FingerTec terminals. It is free and you can download the Installer file from our Fingertec website below.

So once you register TimeTec TA account and installing Ingress/TCMSv3 software, you can follow below process and rule on how to manage these two system on your environment.

Process and Configuration

1. Add and activate the device - First of all please add your FingerTec device on both TimeTec TA application and Ingress/TCMSv3 software. You can refer below guide on how to add your device on both systems.

TimeTec TA

Ingress/TCMSv3: Refer page 14-16

2. Register User - Once you add the device, you can start to register the user information such as the User ID, Name and verification type (fingerprint, card or password) from the FingerTec terminal. Once complete, you can download all the user information into TimeTec TA and Ingress/TCMSv3 software.

Note: You can also register the User data from TimeTec TA and Ingress/TCMSv3 software, then upload back into the FingerTec terminal.

3. Configure Schedule and Roster – Inside both systems you can start to configure and setup the Clocking Schedule and Group Duty roster for each staff based on your requirement.

4. Download Transaction Log – This is an important step that you need to pay attention. By right, TimeTec TA application will automatically download the transaction log from the terminal in real time basis while for Ingress/TCMSv3 software, you can download the log manually or automatically by configuring the auto download setting (System Setting > System Parameter Setting > Server).

So to ensure you can get all the original log from the terminal on both system, please make sure you do not remove or delete the transaction log inside the terminal unless you have confirmed all the log have been downloaded successfully on both systems.

For TimeTec TA application, DO NOT select option ‘Clear terminal data only’ under Device > Manage Terminal. Refer below picture.

For Ingress/TCMSv3 software DO NOT select option ‘Remove transaction log after download’ when you download the log manually. Refer below picture

If you configure the Ingress/TCMSv3 software with auto download, please DO NOT select option ‘Remove transaction log after download’. Refer below picture.

5. Finally, if you already download all data and transaction log on both system successfully, you can manage your Time Attendance record and generate the Report needed accordingly.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.