2. Read and follow all the instructions on the page to ensure the data is uploaded correctly. Firstly, download the Meter Reading CSV file from the link shown below.
3. Fill in the csv file with the required water meter reading information.
Note: "Previous Reading Date" & "Previous Reading (m3)"
- These 2 columns are compulsory only for the first-time meter reading upload and billing.
- After the first-time reading upload, these columns are optional. If you leave the previous reading columns blank, the system will check existing records in the system in order to calculate the usage.
4. Next, scroll down to the "Water Meter Reading Data" section. Select a Date (Current Reading Date) from the calendar for this reading upload.
5. CSV Import File - Click "Choose File" and select the CSV formatted file that you have filled in.
6. Click "Import CSV File" button to upload the data.
7. The newly uploaded readings and usage values calculated by the system will be displayed at the Water Meter page. You can check the readings by clicking the "Export Data" button to export into an excel file.
B. Create Batch Invoices for Water Charge Billing
1. Once you have uploaded all the reading, go to Property > Invoice > Batch Invoice to generate the water charge invoices. Click on "+ New Batch" button to add a new batch invoice.
2. Key in the required batch name and configure the general settings for the batch.
3. Select Water for the Charge Type and for Reading Date, select the date of your imported readings.
4. Next, choose the Bill Date, Payment Terms and Due Date for the invoices.
5. When you are done, click on "Add new".
6. The newly added batch will be displayed at the Batch Invoice listing. Click on the ‘+’ button to generate the invoices.
7. After Water charge invoices have been generated, you can click on the View invoices icon. Click on the Upload icon to upload the invoices to i-Neighbour.
Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at
info@timeteccloud.com, we will update it as soon as possible.