How to Post Attendance to Sage UBS Payroll (Malaysia only)
For our users' convenience, we have included payroll features in TCMSv3 and Ingress, which allows you to transfer the details of your employees’ attendance to selected payroll software. There are 5 payroll software supported, namely
1) Sage UBS Payroll
2) WinCom v7 Payroll
3) SQL Payroll
4) Million Payroll
5) Kakitangan Payroll
1) Set Malaysia as your country in the system. Go to System Settings > Company Info > Edit > Select Malaysia as country > Save
2) Select your payroll software to be the default payroll. Go to System Settings > System Parameter Settings > Attendance > Edit > Choose Default Payroll > Save
Ingress is customized to export attendance records directly into Sage UBS Payroll, whereby the arrangement of attendance records is fixed to fit the software. You must know the basic usages of Sage UBS Payroll before you proceed to the steps below.
i. Go to Attendance tab > Export Payroll > Template Configuration > Add Template and configure all data fields as per your requirement > Browse your payroll path > Save > Close
ii. Select users > Define the effective date range > Export
REMARK: Ingress will not export the attendance records directly into WinCom v7, Million, Kakitangan and SQL Payroll. You need to export all data in a file and import them manually into the payroll software. For any matters regarding template configuration that the payroll software supported you need to liaise with your payroll vendor.
Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.
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