How To Manage Half Day Leave In Ingress / TCMS V3
Introduction:On certain occasion, workers will tend to apply half day leave instead of the entire day based on the individual needs. Therefore in Ingress or TCMS V3 software, users can thus configure the half day leave for their employees in order to prevent short hour from showing on the attendance sheet.Benefits:By using this feature, users can better manage the attendance of the employees. Previously, if users assign leave for a specific user, the system will calculate the leave for the entire day. However with this function, users can manage half day leave more efficiently whenever employees attend the office for only half of the total work time.Process and setting:1) Below are sample pictures that display the differences between half day leave as well as without any leave taken. Note: Please double click on the image to view full size Date 05/06 - No leave appliedDate 06/06 - Apply for half day leave, leave hour- 5.002) To configure half day leave, users will firstly need to add the leave type by referring to these steps: Proceed to the Attendance tab > Leave Type > Add > Set Your Leave Name > OK.
3) Next, proceed to the user duty planner in order to set the half day leave. Select the user and right click on a specific date to obtain the option as shown in the picture below. In the option, please set the leave hour so that the current short hour will be deducted from the attendance sheet.
After users have set all the options, they can then refer back to the attendance sheet to view the configured result.Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.
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