How to Generate Account Statement in i-Account and Upload it to i-Neighbour

How to Generate Account Statement in i-Account and Upload it to i-Neighbour

A Statement of Account (SOA) is a great way to provide owners with a recap of the charges billed to them and the payments already made. Furthermore, SOA can also be used as a tool for payment reminder as it informs the owners of their outstanding account balance.

Thus, to ensure that owners have updated information on their account status, Admin can generate an SOA using i-Account and upload the document to i-Neighbour. Once uploaded, owners can view their SOA in i-Neighbour’s e-Billing > Account Statement page through the web or mobile app. 

Admin can follow the below steps to generate and upload the Account Statement:

How to Generate SOA in i-Account

Step 1
To generate SOA, go to Property > Invoice > Account Statements.

Step 2
Click on the “+Account Statement” button to generate a new SOA. 

Step 3
You will be directed to the Add Account Statement page. Fill in the details and select from the list of options provided:

Select Customer by:

Admin has the option to generate SOA by:

i) Customer (Select Single Customer)

ii) Customer Group (Based on the Customer Group that have been assigned previously)

Start Date & End Date

Select the Start and End dates. The SOA will display the details of all debits and credits (billings to and payments from the owner) during this specific time period. There will be a balance b/f or beginning balance on the Start Date.

Auto Upload to i-Neighbour

Enable this to automatically upload the SOA to i-Neighbour as soon as it is generated. This will skip the need to manually click on the upload button in the listing.

Type of Statement:

Admin can select from the two types of SOA which are:
i) Statement of Account (Shows debit and credit arranged by date)

ii) Statement of Account for Unit (Shows allocations of receipts/credit notes against invoices).

You can also generate both of these statements for your checking at the Reports module.

Address to be Shown:

There are two options for the address: 

i) Property Address 

ii) Mailing Address

Step 4
Once complete, click on the “Add” icon at the bottom of the page to generate the SOA.

Step 5
After the SOA is successfully generated, it will be listed on this page. You can view, upload or delete the SOA by clicking on the respective icons.

Step 6
If you already uploaded the SOA to i-Neighbour, the upload (arrow) icon will be hidden, for example:

Sample Statement of Account for Unit

Sample of Statement of Account

How to View SOA in i-Neighbour
Admin or Residents/owners can view the SOA at the e-billing module in the i-Neighbour app or website once Admin uploads the SOA to i-Neighbour.  

a) Website (Admin Login)

Step 1 
Login to i-Neighbour website and go to e-Billing module > Account Statement.  

Step 2
All the uploaded Statement of Account will be displayed on this page and Admin can filter according to their preference. Admin can click the “View” icon to view the Statement of Account. 

b) i-Neighbour Mobile App (Resident/Owner) Login

Step 1
Login to i-Neighbour App and tap on “More” icon as the below example:

Step 2
Once you have selected the “More” menu, then go to Billing Info and select Account Statements. 

Step 3
On the Account Statements screen, Residents/Owner can view a listing of all the SOA uploaded by the Admin. Tap on one to view/download a copy (pdf) of the SOA.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.

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