How To Easily Change User ID In Ingress and TCMS V3 Without Affecting the User’s Transaction Logs
Introduction:Occasionally, restructuring of data might be needed within an organization as new rules and regulations are added into the company’s policy. Hence, it is important that Admins be informed of some useful housekeeping procedures in order to better manage the User IDs of their staffs.Therefore, we’ve prepared a guide on how to change the User ID in Ingress and TCMS V3 without affecting the User’s Transaction Logs. Although the changing of User ID is rather straightforward but if done incorrectly, the process might cause data loss. Please follow the steps below to do it properly.Process:1. In Ingress/TCMS V3 software, go to System Settings > System Parameter Setting > User tab > Tick on Enable Editable User ID. This is to ensure that you are able to edit the User IDs under Users tab accordingly.
2. In Users tab, double click on the user that you wish to change the User ID, then click Edit > Insert new User ID > click Save. You will be prompted by the screen below notifying you to download all the user’s transaction logs from the device before changing the User ID. This is mainly to ensure that the existing transaction logs are synced correctly.Select the device that you wish the apply the change on and click OK in order to proceed with the process. The data in the selected device will be purged after the download process is completed and the new data will be synced to the device automatically. Hence, it is recommended that you create a backup before proceeding with this step.Reminder to download the transaction logs from the device
After the Transaction Logs have been successfully downloaded, please click OK.
A window will then prompt notifying that the User ID has been successfully updated to the software and device.
3. After clicking OK, you may verify the update process by checking the attendance sheet on whether the User ID still has the existing Transaction Logs.Example: User ID 1 has been changed to User ID 3 while still containing the Transaction Log from User ID 1
And yes, you are DONE! These simple steps only require a few minutes from your side in order to complete the process.