Housekeeping Guide for Ingress and AWDMS

Housekeeping Guide for Ingress and AWDMS

It is recommended that users who have been using Ingress and AWDMS for more than 2 years perform database housekeeping to maintain the software in optimal condition. If the database is not maintained, you may experience a decrease in the performance of certain features or functions, such as the Export Scheduler or Auto Download function not running. To prevent this, we advise clients to only keep recent data (e.g., current year or last year's records onwards) and maintain a backup of the original data using SQLyog.

• If your client’s operating system is 64-bit type, please download SQLyog from:

• If your client’s operating system is 32-bit type, please download SQLyog from:

To keep the Ingress and AWDMS databases in good condition, it is important to maintain two tables that contain transaction records. These tables are the auditdata table for Ingress database and the acc_transaction table for AWDMS database.

 Auditdata table for Ingress
Rename existing auditdata to another name ( ex : auditdata_20230103 )

Right click on auditdata_20230103 > more table operations > click Duplicate Table Structure / Data 

Configure the name as auditdata > choose Structure only ( tick with all fields and with indexes ) 

Insert the latest data only into blank auditdata table (the time can be adjusted based on requirement)
INSERT INTO `auditdata` SELECT * FROM `auditdata_20230103` WHERE checktime > '2022-12-01 

Acc_transaction for AWDMS
Rename existing acc_transaction to another name ( ex : acc_transaction_20230103 )

Right click on acc_transaction_20230103> more table operations > click Duplicate Table Structure / Data 

Configure the name as acc_transaction> choose Structure only (tick ‘With all fields’ and ‘With indexes’ ) 

Insert the latest data only into blank acc_transactiontable (the time can be adjusted based on requirement)
INSERT INTO `acc_transaction` SELECT * FROM `acc_transaction_20230103' WHERE event_time > '2022-12-01 

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.