Generate Invoices Automatically with Auto Batch Invoice Feature

Generate Invoices Automatically with Auto Batch Invoice Feature

Auto Batch Invoice feature in i-Account can generate invoices automatically using pre-configured settings. Hence, instead of Admin manually creating invoices, they can enable this function and preset the time for billing. The system will automatically generate the invoices on the scheduled dates.  

The details on how to configure Auto Batch Invoices are provided below:

Configure Auto Batch Invoice Settings
1. Go to Property > Invoice > Batch Invoice to configure Auto Batch Invoice settings.

2. Click on the “Auto Batch Setting” icon.

3. Click on the “+Add New” icon to add a new auto schedule settings. 

4. Key in the Schedule name and define the settings.

5. Once you fill in all the required information, click on “Add New” to add the settings. 

6. Once the auto schedule is successfully added, it will be displayed on the Recurrent Setting Listing. 

7. To edit or delete the schedule settings, the Admin can use the icons below: 

View Automatically Generated Batch Invoices
The admin can view the Auto Generated Batch Invoice inside Property > Invoice > Batch Invoice once the invoice is generated.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.

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