The MSSQL database server records all user information and transactions. The high storage capabilities of the server eliminates the need for a conventional filing system, providing a better and paperless working environment. It is possible to install FTDP to work with MSSQL so that a 3rd party software plug-in can access the transaction data with ease.
How to install FTDP MSSQL:
1. Install FTDP > Go to Control Panel > Click on Administrative Tool > Click Data Sources (ODBC) > At the User DSN tab, click Add and select SQL Server > Click Finish.
2. Insert Name "FTDPSQL", select a MSSQL server, click Next.
3. Input MSSQL login information, click Next.
4. Check the database information and click Next.
5. Check the server and database information and click Finish.
6. Click the Test Data Source to make the connection to MSSQL is successful.
7. Go to Start -> Programs -> FingerTec -> FingerTec Data Processor -> Init MSSQL Database.
8. Input the server name, server username and server password. After that click Connect.
9. After you are connected to server, click Initialize to start init MSSQL database.
10. Click Disconnect to complete the initialize process.
11. Open FingerTec Data Process, go to Configuration -> Database Setting.
12. Click on the Provider Tab, select Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL server -> Next.
13. In the Select or enter a server name, select the PC where the SQL server is installed.
14. Enter the Username & password, tick Allow Saving Password, and test the connection.
(User needs to connect the SQL server by using SQL server authentication.)
14. Restart FTDP, and voila! You're done.
Refer below for the simple FTDP table description:
UserID - user id in clock
TemID - terminal id in table terminal
DateTime - date & time of the log
InOut - check-in (0) or check-out (1) value of the log
Workcode - work code of the log
VerMode - verification mode (0-fp, 1-password)
UserID - user id in clock
UserName - user name in clock
Password - password in clock
Privilege - privilege value in clock (refer to privilege table)
CardNo - user's card number in clock
VerType - user verification type in clock
Valid - Is user valid (enable/disable) in clock
RegDate - the date of user downlaoded from clock
TplCount - user template count in clock
TZGID - user time zone group ID (refer to table TZG)
Slct - is selected (for check/uncheck user on the screen)
FaceCount - user face template count (0/1)
UserID - user id in clock
Index - template index number
EnDate - enrollment date (reserve value)
TplType - template type, fingerprint algo 9 or 10