Face ID 5 Two Magnetic Locks Connection

Face ID 5 Two Magnetic Locks Connection

Face ID 5 hybrid face recognition access device is a multi-type recognition device to fulfil security and human resources requirements. The device can be used as an entrance access, exit point and time attendance device. Examples of access types that can be paired with Face ID 5 are door access, turnstiles, and gates.

The most comment access lock peripheral to pair with Face ID 5 is EM lock that uses electromagnet as the locking mechanism. This type of lock mechanism is commonly used in building as it is compatible with many types of doors, including wooden doors, glass doors, and steel doors.

EM lock is also suitable to use on double door access setup. Double door access setup requires two EM locks where each EM Lock needs to hold a door. When using two EM locks, one must consider the current load that needs to be used to power up the device with two magnetic locks. The cable's length, size and route can contribute to the high current usage that will affect the device and magnetic lock functionality. Even with a high current power supply being used, the factor or the cable not suitable to carry a current can cause a fire hazard where the cable will heat up due to high current loads.

As for safety measurement and the system operating well, you can use two power supplies to separate the current load of Face ID 5 and two EM locks. Below are the example of wiring diagrams for Two power supplies for the system.

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