Download Transaction Logs from FingerTec Terminal and Import to TimeTec TA

Download Transaction Logs from FingerTec Terminal and Import to TimeTec TA


Need a hand with the connection issue on the FingerTec terminal?
Need to generate the attendance data urgently from TimeTec TA even during offline?

Worry not, follow the simple steps below to solve these problems. These tips are handy for those who struggle with connection issues with FingerTec Device and rest assure all attendance data will be kept up to date all the time after fixing this.


1. The first step is to download the transaction logs/attendance data from the FingerTec terminal. The process below is conducted using Device TA100C WIFI.

2. Press ‘M/OK’ to access to menu and Choose ‘USB Manager’

3. Select ‘Download’

4. Select ‘Attendance Data’

5. Select the ‘Time Range’

6. Wait for a few minutes for the download to complete. Then, remove the USB drive from
the device


1. Go to Device > FingerTec Terminal > Manage > Download Transaction Logs From USB

2. Browse the attendance logs file (.dat). Enter desired criteria selection for selective transaction saving and User ID. Leave the User ID blank if you wish to download all the users in the attendance logs. Lastly, click on the tick button.

3. Once completed, you may check the transaction logs at Device > Data Audit List. Search any attendance based on the location/serial number of the device to track the attendance record.

4. The attendance report can now be generated for evaluation.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.

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