Clearing FingerTec Terminal Administrator Privilege from TCMS V3

Clearing FingerTec Terminal Administrator Privilege from TCMS V3

TCMS V3 is a Time Attendance Aystem that runs on Microsoft Operating System. On top of its other functions, TCMS V3 also manages your devices’ administrator privileges.

When an admin resigns or losses his verification information, FingerTec devices couldn’t be accessed by unauthorized personnel. This feature allows you to remove admin privilege using TCMS V3. To clear a terminal's administrator privilege, follow the steps below.

Step 1
Click Devices > Click the terminal you want to remove the administrator privilege.

Step 2
Click at Other > Click Clear Admin Privilege.

Step 3
Click Yes button to confirm.

Step 4
You will get the below message when the process is complete. Click OK button.
All users with administrator privilege in the terminal will be changed to user privilege when the process is complete.

And now you're done!