Changing Employee ID in TCMS V2 and FingerTec devices

Changing Employee ID in TCMS V2 and FingerTec devices


There are cases where you need to change the IDs of your employees. For example, an employee that changes department, an employee who is transferred to other branch or an employee who gets promoted. 

TCMS V2 allows you to change the employee ID to match with your requirements. However, your need to make sure that the same changes are made in TCMS V2 AND the corresponding hardware to avoid any complications after the changes. Please perform complete data download from all devices to collect all transaction records before you start the process of changing any Employee ID.


Step 1: Download all transactions and users into TCMSv2 software.

Step 2: Delete the employee data (ID, fingerprint, face, password or card) from all devices. Go into TCMS v2 software > Employee Management > Delete Employee (Terminal) > Select employee to delete, example employee ID 30 > Select all data > Select devices to delete > Apply > OK to start to delete

Step 3: Perform a check at all devices to make sure the employee data was deleted from all the devices.
Go into Terminal User Control à Check employees > Download Employees > Apply > OK > Check the list to make user the old employee ID is no longer exist in all devices.

Step 4: Change employee ID under Employee tab

Go into TCMS V2 software > Employee tab > Change ID > OK > Insert old ID into the OLD column (for example 30) and new ID into the NEW column (for example 60) > Apply

Step 5: Update the employee credentials after you have changed the old ID to new ones in all devices
Go into TCMS v2 software > Employee Management > Upload Employee > Select the new employee ID, for example 60 > Select all data > Select devices to update > Apply > OK

While changing Employee ID in all devices are okay, an important thing to avoid is the mismatch of information between TCMS V2 and the hardware. 

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.

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